
peopleTitle: People
Author & Illustrator: Peter Spier

Publisher: Doubleday, 1980
Book Type: Non-Fiction
Ages: 4-8
Themes: Diversity, Population, Individuality


“People around our world wear different clothes — or none at all.

All of us want to look our best. Still, what is considered beautiful or handsome in one place is considered ugly, and even ridiculous, elsewhere.”


Celebration of people everywhere around the world, reminding us that we are all unique, different from one another – each deserving respect.


There are many, many activities, classroom plans available on-line. I have listed just a few here.

Why I Like This Book:

I loved that my 7 year old poured over the pages of this book for over half an hour, looking at the myriad of detailed illustrations, and most importantly learning about the world’s people. Mr. Spier goes through all sorts of physical and cultural attributes – appearances, clothing, homes, jobs, food, religion – while constantly reminding the reader that what may appear strange to one culture is completely normal to another. As we become a tighter global community, the importance of books like this will continue to grow. This is a must have book for every classroom.

This review is part of Susanna Leonard Hill’s Perfect Picture Book series. Visit her site to see the other books recommended.

25 Comments to “People”

  1. I hope we can find this one. Looks great for all ages.

  2. Cool! And it was even published in 1980. Still relevant!

  3. What great book for acceptance and just bringing the world into your home.

  4. I just love detailed illustrations. . .you can come back to them time and time again. And you learn so much! Thanks for sharing this one, Darshana.

  5. This sounds like a very valuable book and concept. I will be looking for this at my library. Sounds like your daughter got a lot of it. Thanks for introducing this book to us. 🙂

  6. Love, love love this book. It just goes to show how savvy our young readers are. I think we sometimes dismiss older books before our kids have the chance to read them. It’s good to know there are such useful supplemental materials available. Thanks.

  7. So glad to see this book is still in print. Thirty years in print tells you a lot about its appeal.

  8. This looks beautiful! Thank you!

  9. This looks great!! Reminds me of Richard Scarry’s Best Word Book Ever with all the detail. I’ll have to check this one out! Thanks!

  10. I love you selection. It goes well with World Oneness Day yesterday. Will look for it. Also enjoyed your activities..

  11. Just picked up Spier’s Circus yesterday evening. Love his work.

  12. Cool that this is still in print! We had a copy in the school library I ran and I love it.

  13. What a great book. I added it to my list. Hope my library has it!

  14. WOW! I haven’t read this one and sounds like a great book! 😀 I like the message of being unique AND different!

  15. Hi Jarm,
    This looks like a wonderful book to encourage kids to accept others who may look or act ‘different’. Now that we are living with our 5 year old grandson, I am even more anxious to build a great library of titles for him. Thanks for a great review and a wonderful resource/activity list!

  16. Love that this shows the differences in different cultures. Excellent choice.

  17. So glad you all like my latest choice. Sorry I can’t personally reply to all of you this time. Just trying to get my application in order a writing award.

  18. I love this picture book. It really extends a child’s knowledge but is also lots of fun to look at.

  19. I haven’t seen this book in a while. Thanks for reminding us about this early book on diversity.

  20. I loved this lesson. I teach pre-service elementary school teachers, and I can’t wait to share it with them. Thank you!

  21. This book sounds excellent – looks like a great way to introduce other cultures to children.
    Popping over from the kidlitbloghop.

  22. Definitely a good pick for classroom reading and activity. Thanks for sharing on Kid Lit Blog Hop!
    -Reshama @ Stackingbooks

  23. What a beautiful book! This would definitely be a great pick for the classroom.
    Thanks for sharing with the Kid Lit Blog Hop!

  24. That cover looks awesome. I can only imagine that the illustrations are just as amazing. It’s no wonder your child was so captivated!

  25. I absolutely love your recommendation. I’m sure my 7 year old would do the exact same thing – he loves looking through books that can teach him about people, places, and things. He spends hours poring over National Geographic books for kids. Thanks so much for linking into the Kid Lit Blog Hop. Pinning!!!